Untitled from the Central Park Series by Bruce Davidson
A diverse group of young people—each offering a peek into their personality through fashion choices, body language, and relationship to one another—pose in Central Park
A diverse group of young people—each offering a peek into their personality through fashion choices, body language, and relationship to one another—pose in Central Park
This delicate woodblock print by Ronald Robertson (born Detroit, MI 1927) captures in relief a cropped perspective of the swirls of tree rings encircling a reddened
These two works on paper, part of a body of work known as Lyric Suite, are from a set of over 600 unique works produced
Untitled #42 is a small yet significant work, created while Pindell was an assistant curator at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.
Affectionately referred to as the “Dean of American Woodturners” by the American Association of Woodturners, the moniker pays tribute to Osolnik’s importance in the promotion
This signed and dated river sunset scene captures either New York’s Hudson River or New Jersey’s Passaic River, a favorite setting for American landscape painters
Cynthia Bringle began her art studies intent on becoming a painter, only to fall in love with ceramics while taking a required clay class at
Diane Arbus’s photograph of an elderly couple dressed in theatrical robes, gowns, and crowns to signify their accolades at a Senior Citizens Dance sagely dramatizes
With the skills he gained while training under renowned architect Paul Philippe Cret and his exposure to Art Moderne—later known as Art Deco—while studying classical
Tom Field was a student at Black Mountain College from 1953 to 1956, and active in the Abstract Expressionist and San Francisco Renaissance circles from