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Discussion Bound: The Art Prophets by Richard Polsky

Wednesday, September 14, 2022
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Free for Members or included with Museum admission; registration is not required

The Art Prophets: The Artists, Dealers, and Tastemakers Who Shook the Art World by Richard Polsky introduces readers to influential late twentieth-century dealers and tastemakers in the art world. These risk takers opened doors for artists, identified new movements, and resurrected art forms that had fallen into obscurity. In this distinctive tour, Polsky offers an insightful and engaging dialogue between artists and the visionaries who paved their way.

Moderators: AAM Docents, Barbara Pressman and Hope Warshaw

Book + Art

This discussion is a place to exchange ideas about readings that relate to artworks and the art world, and to learn from and about each other. Books are available at Malaprop’s Bookstore/Café for a 10% discount. To add your name to our Book + Art mailing list, click here or call 828.253.3227 x121.

Asheville Art Museum
Asheville Art Museum
2 South Pack Square
Asheville, NC 28801 United States
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