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American Perspectives Live Story Telling: Jill Totman OFFSITE

Friday, August 26, 2022
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

In conjunction with American Perspectives, Asheville Art Museum and Buncombe County Libraries present Live Story Telling at Leicester Public Library by storyteller, Jill Totman.

Jill Totman retired in 2019 after 35 years of service at the Weaverville Library where she told stories to countless Kindergarteners and First Graders.  She continues to tell stories at the Weaverville Community Center to adults and children alike.  She is dedicated to  perpetuating the oral tradition of folk and fairy tales and supporting public libraries any way she can.

American Perspectives: Stories from the American Folk Art Museum Collection has been organized by the American Folk Art Museum, NY, with support provided by Art Bridges. Originally curated for installation at the American Folk Art Museum February 11, 2020–January 3, 2021 by Stacy C. Hollander, independent curator. Tour coordinated by Emelie Gevalt, Curator of Folk Art and Curatorial Chair for Collections, the American Folk Art Museum.

Asheville Art Museum
Buncombe County Libraries
Leicester Library
1561 Alexander Road
Asheville, NC 28748 United States
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