Recent surveys of training and hiring practices in the cultural sector have pinpointed internship programs as key sites of possibility for developing the future workforce. Internships offer exposure and valuable networking opportunities for people entering the museum field. They also offer a critical point on the hiring pipeline for increasing diversity in museum leadership. This webinar will offer tools for museum professionals to identify different perspectives on internships in the field and will explore the broader implications of internships on the development of equity, accessibility, diversity, and inclusion in our museums.
Who Should Attend
This webinar will benefit anyone currently sponsoring or coordinating internships, working as an intern, and/or involved in hiring decisions at their institution.
How Will I Benefit?
After participating in the program, attendees will be better able to:
- Identify key stakeholders in the internships conversation
- Understand the legal and human resources requirements for distinguishing internships from volunteer work—and paid from unpaid internship work
- Facilitate conversations on internships within their own institutions
- Omar Eaton-Martinez, program manager, Smithsonian National Museum of American History
- Other presenters TBD
- Nicole Ivy, museum futurist, Center for the Future of Museums, American Alliance of Museums
- Greg Stevens, assistant director, professional development, American Alliance of Museums
Visit the American Alliance of Museum’s website to RSVP for this Webinar Watch & Talk event.
Webinar Watch & Talk
Watch and talk events consist of:
- 30 minutes of pre-webcast networking
- 90-minute live webcast
- 60 minutes of post-webcast facilitated discussion or activity.
There is no fee for attending a local watch and talk event.