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American Perspectives Live Story Telling: Becky Stone and Catherine Yael Serota Shealy OFFSITE

Wednesday, August 24, 2022
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

In conjunction with American Perspectives, Asheville Art Museum and Buncombe County Libraries present Live Story Telling at Skyland/South Buncombe Library by storytellers, Becky Stone and Catherine Yael Serota Shealy.

Catherine Yael is a native of Asheville and spent much of her life in Western North Carolina. Her stories paint vivid pictures of childhood and heritage. Her storytelling portfolio contains tales of Appalachian historical, folk, tall tales, personal vignettes, and literary masterpieces seasoned with humor. She has told at Asheville’s Front Porch, TELLABRATION!™, house concerts, libraries, synagogues, the Hendersonville Center for Art and Inspiration, corporate and therapeutic venues.

American Perspectives: Stories from the American Folk Art Museum Collection has been organized by the American Folk Art Museum, NY, with support provided by Art Bridges. Originally curated for installation at the American Folk Art Museum February 11, 2020–January 3, 2021 by Stacy C. Hollander, independent curator. Tour coordinated by Emelie Gevalt, Curator of Folk Art and Curatorial Chair for Collections, the American Folk Art Museum.

Asheville Art Museum
Buncombe County Libraries
Skyland/South Buncombe Library
260 Overlook Road
Asheville, NC 28803 United States
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