The Tao of the Black Plastic Comb (film still), 2017, directed by Irving Hillman, poem by Glenis Redmond (Greenville, SC), executive producers: Todd Boss (Motion Poems), Egg Creative, Carolyn Casey, produced by Gravy Films, colored by Moving Picture Company, and sound by Egg Music, 4 minutes, 39 seconds. Image courtesy Glenis Redmond and Irving Hillman.
The Tao of the Black Plastic Comb (film still), 2017, directed by Irving Hillman, poem by Glenis Redmond (Greenville, SC), executive producers: Todd Boss (Motion Poems), Egg Creative, Carolyn Casey, produced by Gravy Films, colored by Moving Picture Company, and sound by Egg Music, 4 minutes, 39 seconds. Image courtesy Glenis Redmond and Irving Hillman.