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Whitfield Lovell, One of These Days, 2006, charcoal and china on wood, 84 × 37 × 4 ½ inches. Museum purchase with funds provided by 2007 Collectors’ Circle with additional funds provided by Phillip Broughton & David Smith, 2007.33.01.29. © Whitfield Lovell

Whitfield Lovell, One of These Days, 2006, charcoal and china on wood, 84 × 37 × 4 ½ inches. Museum purchase with funds provided by 2007 Collectors’ Circle with additional funds provided by Phillip Broughton & David Smith, 2007.33.01.29. © Whitfield Lovell.

African American Art in the Collection: New Research

Friday, December 6, 2019
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Free for Members or included with Museum admission

Today’s Art Break, one of a two-part series, is led by UNC Asheville students.

Art Breaks

These informal gallery talks that educate and engage visitors in dialogue with Museum staff, volunteer educators, or special guests.

Asheville Art Museum
Asheville Art Museum
2 South Pack Square
Asheville, NC 28801 United States
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