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Lorna Blaine Halper, Untitled, not dated, oil and ink on canvas, 27 x 36.25 inches. Black Mountain College Collection, gift of the Artist, 2008.03.08.21.

Coloring Lorna Halper

Saturday, August 5, 2017
10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Let go of your grown-up stress, and tap into your inner child! Join us at this year’s LEAF Downtown AVL family festival for an all-ages coloring party. We provide templates by Black Mountain College artist Lorna Halper, color pencils, and answer your questions about our exciting construction project; just bring your imagination!

Community Events

Community events are offered during the year in conjunction with the Museum's Collection, exhibitions, and other special events. Activities may include performances, guided tours, demonstrations, or hands-on studio projects. Community events are open to all ages and abilities; no reservations required.

For more information, email learn@ashevilleart.org, or call 828.253.3227 x121.

Asheville Art Museum
Asheville Art Museum
2 South Pack Square
Asheville, NC 28801 United States
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