Color is everywhere! Let’s go on a scavenger hunt to see what we can find. Listen to the story A Day with No Crayons by Elizabeth Rusch.
Questions for engagement
- Look at the artwork to the left. What colors do you see the most of? Green, blue, and purple are known as cool colors.
- Look out a window. Do you see the same colors outside as in the artwork? What colors do you see in the space where you’re sitting?
- What colors are you wearing? What’s your favorite color?
- Do you like to go on walks outside? Would you like to go on a scavenger hunt in search of colors?
- Blank paper or Color Scavenger Hunt worksheet
- Markers, crayons, or colored pencils
- Download and print this scavenger hunt activity sheet, or use a blank piece of paper. If using blank paper, fold it in thirds horizontally and vertically so that you have nine boxes. Label each box with a color you’ll be looking for: red, blue, yellow, green, orange, purple, pink, brown, black, and white.
- Gather your materials, head outside to your yard, or take a walk with your family. What colors can you find?
- When you find something that is one of the colors you’re looking for, draw it in the matching box, or color the space with your marker, crayon, or colored pencil.